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Jun 24, 2023Jun 24, 2023

Windsor Regional Hospital is dealing with an outbreak of COVID-19 on its seventh floor medical unit at the Ouellette Campus.

As of Tuesday, 10 patients have tested positive for COVID-19 on the unit. Eight of those patients were symptomatic, while two patients were swabbed due to contact exposure but are asymptomatic.

Universal masking is required on the seventh floor medical unit and N95 respirators are required for clinicians when providing patient care or interacting with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients on the unit, the hospital said in a release.

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To reduce the likelihood of spreading the virus, and to protect patients, staff and visitors, the hospital is asking visitors to comply with masking requirements as well as other protective measures, such as gowns, where required.

WRH is monitoring the situation to determine if changes to its corporate wide masking policy are necessary.

“The outbreak serves as a reminder that COVID-19 continues to circulate in our community,” the hospital said in a release. “Please continue to follow the advice of medical experts when it comes to masking if you are not feeling well, and check with your family practitioner for whether you are due for vaccinations.”

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